Monday, January 02, 2006

New Years Day

Well the first day of the new year really sucked! I spent it all day in pain. I had a migraine headache that spun out of control. So when I woke up this morning and the headache had finally gone away I decided to make this the first day of my new year instead of yesterday. If the Rose Bowl parade can be held off until the 2nd, I figured I could wait and start my new year a day late also. LOL

Today was much, much better! After we all watched the parade, DH and I spent the day reviewing home video as we transfered many of our VHS clips to DVD. DD joined us for much of the day. We all enjoyed the walk down memory lane! It was so much fun watching all the changes in our children as they celebrated each birthday, Easter, Christmas, and just watching them grow up through our video movies. As they grew up, I noticed I grew outward. Maybe a diet is in order.

It was fun too watching our house being built and all the work we did in finishing the basement. And of course watching our 4-legged critters from their puppy years gave us some giggles too.I did make a couple of resolutions for 2006. It's not like me to make New Year resolutions because I'm not very good at following through with them all the way. I mean - I have been known to give it a good start and even accomplish some of those goals. But after I fizzled out on a couple, I pretty much quit doing it.

This year I thought I'd give it another try. So I have two resolutions. One is to get more organized and symplify many areas of my life. The other is to complete "The Artists Way" workshop I mentioned in my last blog posting. It's a 12-week workshop that may take me longer than that to accomplish. But I'm determined to get all the way through it just the same.

I hope everyone's New Year celebration was cheerful and fun! I'll chat back at you soon.

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