Thursday, March 02, 2006

Migraine Shots Update

The BOTOX came in at the pharmacy (no charge to me) Yippy! And I had the injections yesterday afternoon! (No news on insurance approval for that part yet.) Now, we wait again. But unlike most the other meds they have had me on over the years, I won't have to wait the usual 6-8 weeks before evaluating the success. We'll probably see results much earlier. Doc says I may see improvement in the very first week. It will be at it's peak by the 3rd week. So hopefully by my birthday I'll have more headache free days and much fewer moments in the darkness with tears. Wahoo!

Here's my current 12-month progress chart... I'm not so sure progress is the right word. I should say here are some YUCKY Headache charts.

You can click on the picture to get a larger view of the graphs. Red Star days are those without a headache. Rarely do they end up being one day after the next. As you can see our goal all along as been for my body to grant me with 10 or fewer migraines a month. So if the BOTOX does the trick -- I'll have my life given back to me!

But I'll take what I can get. No lie, I'll be happy if I can get even 5 days IN A ROW free of pain. I will gladly pay $1,500 to experience that! I haven't had more than 3 days in a row, pain free, in almost 2 years. Just to see what it's like again would be a most precious birthday gift! And a very welcomed repreave!


Joy Eliz said...

I hope the best for you!
I love your art dolls I might have to give them a go...
I'm off to flickr so that I can see your MMM up close.

Caroline said...

wow what a lot of headaches. I can really sympathise - I used to get migraines all the time too... mine turned out to be allergies... and I cleared those using Health Kinesiology... though I also spent years avoiding various foods before I discovered HK...

Hope you are better now anyway with your new medication

Caroline said...

Oh and what I was allergic too was:

red wine, coffee, chocolate and orange were the worst and even the smallest amount caused a migraine.

Since I've had HK I can have any without a migraine but only really bother with chocolate!

I know there are other causes of migraines - Jim gets them and they seem to tie in with sunspots!