Friday, April 14, 2006

Boo's New Glasses

Boo's New Specs

What is it about a new shirt or a certain pair of jeans or that favorite shade of eye shadow, that makes a person feel just a little more special? More comfortable with themselves? Prettier? More confident maybe? I'm not sure what it is. But I can vouch for having those feelings myself sometimes. I have a navy blue dress jacket that I feel particularly smart in.

Our youngest daughter is sporting a new pair of glasses this week and you know what? I think she has a fresh new air of confidence about her when she's wearing them.

I decided to feature her in this little Triptych. FYI - a photo triptych is an artistic way of showing three photos together that tell a story or allow the viewer to make up a story of their own about the art piece.

Boo's Repeat Collage

This triptych shows a view of the photo slightly blurry, then one that's focused, followed by an over exposed one. Think about when the optomistrist says, "Is is clearer with A or B, 1 or 2?" while he's flipping through the lenses on his gizmo, trying to set the right prescription for you. Does the triptych open up a story for you now?

This is a fun photography art form that I enjoy every once in a great while. You can see more Triptychs at Flickr.

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