Thursday, April 20, 2006

My Altered Jump Drive

Okay -- Don't laugh too loud! Yes I altered my jump drive. The idea struck me when I accidently busted off the ring that holds it on my ID clip. Since I tend to keep it in my purse or briefcase anyhow, I decided I didn't need a ring on it. So why not just add some pretty little fibers, beads, and ribbons?

After doing that I decided I might as well pretty up the boring outer cover. So I made a little template and cut out some pretty printed paper. After running it through my Zyron machine (using the super permanent sticky backing) - I put it on the cover and walah!

The altered jump drive was born. After seeing it, my co worker said "I'll be careful not to fall asleep at my desk. Seems you alter anything that sits still for too long."

Altered Jump Drive

Call me crazy if you want. But I am rather proud of my little alteration... even if it is silly. Because mine now looks completely different from anyone elses. And I'm sure no one will pick up mine by mistake now. It's obvious who this one belongs to. LOL

There's a photo of the flip side of it and a dipiction of the creative process in the CHW gallery if you are interested.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The below comment was posted on 26 April at the Prairie Arts blog where this entry was originally posted. I moved it here on 11 Sept.


Fun idea and very unique too.

Gayle - from CHW