Thought I'd pop in here with a quick update for family and friends.
I spent the last couple of days at home nursing a Flu Bug. Low energy, achy muscles, fever, and a horrible headache. When I got back to work today I was told that several others had the same thing. Hubby pulled away from the work horse, and went home early today feeling very much the same. So I guess this little bugger just gets around pretty good.
We recently found out we are going to be grandparents again. For the 8th time my friends! :) We are excited about another little one joining the family sometime in Novemeber. Baby number 3 for our youngest Montana daughter.
Our Missouri daughter has taken up belly dancing. I hear this is really great exercise! She hasn't the nerve to go public with her new artform. But she's working at it a little more each day. She's heavily involved with the AmtGard group "Shire of Cordis Medagar." She's the Prime Minister for the group and is having a blast with all her duties.
Husband bought a new table for our entry way yesterday. Anyone who's been to our house knows it's filled with light-stained oak. This piece is dark-stained. That was a surprise because he usually makes our tables. He said he just happened to see this one, liked it, and decided to purchase it rather than make it. It's in a shaker style.
I am now featuring our Wyoming daughter's artwork on the Prairie Art blog. Started her off with a short introduction and a couple of recent pieces she's accomplished. Boo has agreed to let me "interview" her about each item and then post her thoughts on the site. So if you'd like to see what this young artist is into these days, just jump on over the Prairie Art, and see what she's been up too.
I've got a couple new collaged pieces that I hope to get posted online soon too. But you know how slow I can be about getting my own things showing. So nag me a little if I haven't gotten to it in a month or so. LOL
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