Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Playing with Ideas

Just wanted to post one of the ATC's I made back in December that seems to go along with my Artists Way morning pages thoughts this week. :)

This ATC is from a set of two. I love doing quick little projects like ATCs to get my creative juices flowing. If I'm in a slump for a particular project, sometimes I'll just whip up a few ATC's using whatever elements are nearest my work bench at the time. Before you know it - the creativity has kicked in and I'm out of my slump!

When I was looking to do a spread in a circle journal I was working on I knew I wanted to do something using earth tones. I was a bit stuck on using a raw finish or a more refined frilly one and if I wanted to go fantasy or natural. So I played around with some more ATCs.

After creating these two miniture works of art, I wound up using an earthy, ragged type theme in the book spread.

Sometimes I just need a little push to get myself going. You know what I mean?


Anonymous said...

I love the first one!

Caroline said...

I've just seen that you've got some great little stamps - I've got some just like them too!!!