Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Our Little House on the Prairie

We live out on a prairie and get the thrill of seeing so many beautiful sights from our own yard. Here's just a few from last week. This quiet little corner of our backyard is where we sometimes build a bon fire and chat away the time during the non-snowy months. Many times we play fetch with the pups who really own this backyard. They are kind enough to let us share their space if we promise to throw something... anything to play with!

From our deck in the backyard we get some really terrific sky scenes. Several nights last week we had a wonderfully full moon to light up the night sky. On nights when the moon isn't so bright and the sky is pitch black, we see stars go on forever. Living out where there are no lights from the city affords us these twinkling little beauties almost everynight. I sure love it when we get to share the milkyway too.

There have been more than one evening of star viewing when we've layed out on the deck and counted the falling stars. Although I don't know much about the galaxies, I'm a real fan of sky viewing. I don't think I could ever happily live under city lights again, now that I've had the previlage of seeing what artful masterpieces our skies have to offer when we let it shine without human interuption.

Look out your windows or take an evening stroll and see what's available in your sky gallery tonight!

1 comment:

Genevieve Netz said...

Beautiful photos. We live out in the country and we can see the stars nicely at night, though there are always artificial lights somewhere near. Kentucky is just a lot more densely populated than Wyoming!