Friday, March 17, 2006

Sigh.... It's been such a long week!

I know, I know! I haven’t been around to update my blog in a while. Life has been extremely busy. This past week we had to put our DD back in the hospital again and that threw our schedules off even further. Thankfully, she’s back home with us again and hopefully that will help us get back into the swing of things.

My thoughts today are: I hate clinical depression. I hate bi-polar disorder. I hate working away from home. I hate migraines. I love my best friend/husband. I love my children. I like the artistic creativity I’ve been experiencing during the last few months. I like me. I wish I felt the freedom to do more things for myself without the leftover guilt feelings. I wish I could spend more time on my arts. I wish I had a higher level of energy these days.

Now I put on my "Taxi-Mom" hat and off I go again. Maybe I'll have time for more frequent updates soon.

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